Alpine Hearing Protection + Watch The Hype launch Tinnitus awareness campaign All Ears


Heard of Tinnitus? It’s that constant buzzing in your ears after a night at the club. Caused by exposure to high volumes of sound of 80dB or more for prolonged periods of time, Tinnitus is a permanent condition.  The good news is that it’s totally preventable.

Alpine Hearing Protection have partnered up with Watch The Hype in a bid to prevent and protect club-goers from Tinnitus with a campaign called All Ears. Supporting them is the British Tinnitus Association along with some of the UK’s top electronic music venues.

They have dedicated an entire website offering advice and raising awareness about Tinnitus. Some of the industry’s DJ’s and Producers have shared personal stories of battling with Tinnitus – found under the ‘Your Stories’ tab – which includes interviews with Container Records founder Jack Christie, DJ Resom and producer/DJ Nachtbraker.

In addition to raising awareness, the Alpine PartyPlug has been introduced. Designed specifically for clubbers, it’s a set of high-fidelity earplugs that promises to maintain the quality of original sound by using special filters to protect your ears.

Over the next few months the PartyPlug hearing protectors will be available to purchase at a number of chosen venues at a discounted price. Confirmed launch dates includes Corsica Studios, Oval Space, The Pickle Factory and Village Underground – who are running a competition on their Facebook page. One of the prizes is two sets of PartyPlug hearing protectors.

You can purchase the PartyPlug earplugs via the website. Sharing your personal story can also get you a free pair if published. You have no reason not to get your party on.

Follow the campaign for updates and news.
Twitter: @AllEarsCampaign
Instagram: /all_ears_campaign

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